Kyrgyzstan acceded to the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT)on December 29, 2008.
Following the OPCAT ratification, the state undertook to establish a National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) for regular visits to places of detention.
July 2012: Kyrgyz Republic Law “On the National Center for the Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” was adopted.
August 2012: The Ombudsman submitted the Regulation on the Working Commission on Membership in the Coordination Council of the National Center (hereinafter referred to as the Working Commission) to the JogorkuKenesh for approval.
October 2012: The Regulation on the Working Commission was approved.
January 2013: The composition of the Working Commission comprised of four deputies of the Kyrgyz Republic JogorkuKenesh, the Ombudsman, representatives of international organizations and scientists was approved.
February 2013: The Working Committee elected eight members of the Coordination Council of the National Center. Read more (incl. photographs)
April 2013: The Working Commission elected two members of the Coordination Council of the National Center from among the members of the JogorkuKenesh.
August 2013: Following an open competition, the Coordination Councilelected the Director of the National Center.
October 2013: The Kyrgyz Republic Government allocated premises for the National Center.
March 2014: Following an open competition, the Coordination Councilelected the majority of the employees of the National Center.
July 2014: Following an open competition, the Coordination Councilelected more employees of the National Center. There are currentlysix vacant positions.
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